Sunday, March 7, 2010

Horrible Blogger!

Ok, so I totally haven't updated this, once again, in forever! And I really have no excuse! I was sick, but that should have given me even more time to update this damn thing! But for some reason, I find that I am always forgetting that this thing even exist! I sometimes feel as if my words arent even that important, not needing a public place on the internet to vent or discuss what random shit is going on in my head. Yes, I have posted writings here, but I just feel that that isn't even important, cause my motivation to write is simply out the window. I think the reason I love this thing so much, as I said when I remember it exist, is that I can come here, and just vent. Say whatever the heck is on my mind, let it spill out of my head, bouncing from subject to subject, and not even care! I dont know who reads this, and I dont care. I am not doing this to impress anyone and I am not trying to have perfect grammar, or have my thoughts make sense! I am doing it, to keep my sanity! Cause it really seems, that I remember I have this, when I am haivng a bad day, adn really just need to clear my head. So, here it goes!

I hate fake people! Like, despise them! What is the point of telling me something, that has NEVER happened, that is no where near the truth? Does it make you feel like a better person, knowing that I think what you have told me is amazing, but knowing yourself that you have never and pry never will done the things you say you have done? Lets say for instance, that you tell me that you won the lottery...but realy didn't. I would be super jealous, happy for you, etc. BUT you would know that those feelings arent really deserved, and how would you feel? Would you really feel like an awesome person, knowing that you really didn't experience this, and are living off of ramen and easy mac? I would REALLY hope that you wouldn't. So why would you even want to tell that lie, cause if it was me, I would honestly just feel ten times worse about myself , not better! Really!!

Ok, the next rant! lol...Hmm..this is like a couple weeks of rants built up, so I am trying to decide what I really need to vent about! I don't have a freaking clue...really that one above is something that has ALWAYS bothered me, something that i feel everyone should think about and decide if they really wanna be that type of person. I dont know about many of you, but I really want to be able to think of myself as a decent person, at least a halfway decent person. Honesty, is a big part of that. So I guess the point of this whole ramble is that you should always be honest...always be the type of friend that you want people to be to you!

Ok, I am going to step off my soapbox, and go do something else..something more productive. Even though, as I said, this blog is to help me keep my sanity!

<3, LynZ_Ann