Thursday, May 14, 2009

First Blog ever....hmm...what should I BLOG about!

So, I have never done anything like this. Not really sure what I am supposed to even talk about. I guess I should introduce myself.
I am a 24 soon to be 25 year old married mother of 2.
I have been married for 4 years, and I have been with him for six years. He is an amazing man, who I love dearly. Of course, we have our problems, what couple doesnt?
I have a 4 yr old soon to be 5 next month little girl. She is everything a 5 year and a 15 year old should be. She is defiant, bossy, bitchy, sweet, and so thoughtful! Its crazy how she can be so many different things, usually at the same time, but she does. She is a gorgeous little girl, and will definitely grow into a beautiful woman. She will have boys beating down the door, unfortunately for her father and I.
My son, my son just turned 2. It was probably one of the hardest day for me so far as a mother. This little guy, wasnt supposed to live. We were told on Valentines day of 2007 that he would most likely not making it after delivery. He did make it though, and he turned out to be perfectly healthy! The things that they thought would be a problem, were NOT a problem at all. Him celebrating his 2nd birthday, was like a huge victory for our family. This little guy, he is adventurous, strong, a fighter. He makes me laugh every day, so hard sometimes that I cry.
I am currently a stay at home mom, but I am hoping to return to work soon. Just part time, something to bring in a little extra cash to help out around home. My husband is an electrician that works the later shift! It sucks for us, but its going to be nice once I start working, cause I will be working in the earlier hours.
I dont really know what else there is to tell you. I am an aspiring writer, just doing fanfic and fictionpress stuff right now, but do hope to someday write a book. Not really sure what I want to write about, hence just writing for fun right now.
I dont really know what else to write for now. If you want to know anything, ask. Im an open book...wait open BLOG! lol....anyway! Hope you enjoyed...i dont know how often I will get to do this, but I hope its often!

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