Friday, January 22, 2010

Resolutions and all that jazz!

Ok, so for those that know me, know that before I had Kailee, I was extremely small. I weighed like, 120 pounds, and was pretty healthy! I had Kailee nearly 6 years ago. I have not lost the weight from when I had her, and then almost 3 years ago, I had my son. Who I gained even more weight from. I am currently at 190...thats 70 pounds heavier then I was before, nearly double! I have tried many many times to loose the weight, but have never succeeded!
I made a resolution to loose that weight, and at least 30 pounds of it, I want to be before this summer. I recently purchased an elliptical and a weight machine. I have been trying to use both, and to cut back on what I eat.
Heres my deal! My hubs is an AMAZING cook. He is always cooking something and I am used to eating pretty big helpings. So, lately I have been cutting back on my portions, and trying to eat healthier. I have cut back on soda and tea, and making up for that with water. I am going to start taking vitamins and start working on my metabolism by eating smaller meals more often.
I am hoping to complete my goal this time, and be back to pre-pregnancy weight before this time next year. Is 70 pounds in a year to much?? I dont know...
Other things I am trying to do, grow my hair out and get it back to being as long as it used to be.  After that I am going to be cutting, layering, and dying it. But nothing is 100 percent on what I am going to do. I have been looking at getting it permanately straightened, so I dont have to do it every morning. But that is not for sure yet.
Another thing I am working on is my skin. I am trying to get it cleared up, even toned, the works! If you have any advice on that, like what products to use or home remedies, I would greatly appreciate it!
The last thing, is my teeth. I was never really worried about them when I was younger, so now that I am older, they are not in the best of shape. I am going to be going to several appointments and getting them fixed. Not sure what all they will have to do, but something!
As I said, if anyone has any advice, ideas, etc I would love to hear them! =D Thanks for listening to me blabber!


  1. 70lbs in a year isn't an unrealistic goal! You know what you want, go for it! :) Like I said, you can do this I have faith in ya! Just keep at it! Do you have an empty calendar, maybe use one to keep track of how much you've lost in weight and in inches. :)

  2. Yeah, thats something I am going to be doing! I have to see the progress or I wont keep up with it! lol....Thanks for the vote of confidence though, I really appreciate it! <3 ya!!!
