Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Musical Thoughts....

So, for those that know me, they know how big a part of my life that music is. Its always playing...whether it be full blast, light background music, or just something on the tv. I have to have music. I have been taking some sort of lessons since kindergarten, and my next step is to learn to play guitar, and maybe some piano.
I always have a "favorite"song. This song is something that just....sings to me. It may not have anything to do with anything in my life, but there is something about it, that I just cant explain. I have two of those songs right now.
The first, is Remembering Sunday. Its a solo song by the lead singer of All Time Low, Alex Gaskarth and the lead singer of Automatic Loveletter Juliet Simms. Its a simple song. Some guitar, some drums, but nothing to heavy until just before Juliet starts singing. She sings a short little solo, singing her heart out! She overlaps one simple version, with a more emotional version, of hte girl that had to leave. This song is simply described as a man looking for that one girl, that girl that touched him, that he loved more then anything, and he cant, shes gone. Then, they give the girl the chance to say something, and she explains why they can never be, why she had to leave, then to close, the boy gives up. Like I said, a simple song, but with a extremely deep insight.
The next song, is Paramores All I wanted. This song, simply gives me chills. Hayley Williams voice is something I could listen to for days. If I had to choose one artist/band to listen to for the rest of my life, I could instantly select Paramore and never be dissapointed. But this is one song, that when I first heard it, I knew that it was going to become a staple on my iPod. It gets played over and over, and I never tire. It once again, is a simple song. Just some guitar to begin with, and her voice. I love songs like this. It eventually adds drums, picks up the tempo, but her voice continues to haunt you. The best part, is when its just her at 2:40 All the music dies, the backtrack goes completely silent, and shes sings, "All I Wanted was You" and its just her. No piano, no guitar, no drums, no backup vocals. It is simply the best vocal work I have ever heard! Even if your not a Paramore, alternative music fan, you will appreciate this bar.
Its all something you have to hear though. I could sit here for hours and spit out why I love these two songs, these two groups. But until you hear it for yourself and actually hear what I am talking about, you will never understand!
SSOOOOO, that being said, get the songs, listen to them. Then, tell me what you think! Am I spot on, or am I full of shit?? lol...please, comment!
As always,
♥ LynZ
p.s. I have included an alternative version of Remembering Sunday, thats sort of hard to find. Its still All Time Low but instead of Juliet Simms, this time, it features Kate Voegele. Her version is a little bit smoother, but still just as beautiful. The live version, on Alex's part, is amazing. I love the rifts and note changes that he includes with this, make sure and check it out!

1 comment:

  1. You have gotten me completely hooked on Remembering Sunday. I listening to it right now actually!! I know exactly what you mean..about those songs that just sigh, draw you in!!

    Course, Paramore is love. They're one of my favorite bands!! <3
