Monday, November 16, 2009

Random bullshit

Ok, so like, do you ever just feel like nothing can possibly go your way, or like your totally under appreciated? I have got to admit that I feel like this ALL THE TIME! I am a stay at home mom, who hasnt worked for 2 years. I have spoke about getting a job, but when it comes down to it, I'm just not ready to leave my kids. Yes, the money would help, but I would much rather I raise my kids, then someone else.
My husband usually seems like hes ok with it. USUALLY. But theres always those days that are rough on him and he needs somewhere to disperse his energy at. It usually ends up being me and my not working. Yes, there are days that i dont do anything around the house, but if there is something that drastically needs to be done, I handle it! I dont leave my kids unfed, unbathed, or unattended! I am always with them. Sometimes, its nice to just forget about house work and watch a movie on the couch with them! 

My biggest pet peeve about being a housewife, is money. With him bringing in all the money, I feel like I am getting an allowance or something. And if there is something I want to do, I have to ask to do it, and for hte money to do it. If its to expensive or interferes with my being wiht the kids while hes at work, he doesnt htink I should go. Which I find to be complete bullshit! We have people out the wazoo that would be more then willing to take our kids, hell, my mother in law LIVES with us! Please, I think she can watch the kids for a few hours! Not going to kill her! 
This blog probably doesnt really make sence cause im sick and just rambling after taking my meds but god, I needed to get this off of my chest! THanks for letting me vent....=D more to come later, im sure! 
<3 LynZ

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel yah on that hun! There are times when things just don't go your way what so ever. It's tough for sure! Love yah & your ramble totally made sense to me!!
