Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fandom, fanatics, and CRAZIES!

Ok, so those of you that really know me, know that I am a huge All Time Low fan. I love these guys for so many reasons, and I would honestly do just about anything to see them in concert, meet them, whatever!
I am a fanatic for them, but I dont cross the line over to a crazy, a creeper, or a stalker! I dont feel that I know these people, I dont feel that they owe me anything! They are just a group of guys, doing what they love, whether they are famous or not! Just because they are now considered famous, does not give anyone the right to intrude on their personal life, does not give them the right to judge them, does not give them the right to hate someone just because they are a part of their life and you are not! 

Today on twitter, a girl posted a pic of a certain girl and a certain boy. The girl, a girlfriend of the lead singer, the boy the guitarist and best friend to said lead singer. This girl was in a compromising position, making it appear as if bad things were or had happened. There is someone else in the picture, but you cant really see who this person is. My thing is, what right do you have to post this pic. Just because its somewhere on the internet, does not mean that it is fair game! This girl requested that it be taken down, because she didnt want people to think that something really had happened. I believe that nothing did, cause if something had, why would the lead singer still be with her, and why would he still be best friends with the guitarist? But either way, its not us fans' life, its not our relationship, its not our band! 
The pic was taken down, the girl was apologized to. It was an error in judgement and she corrected the mistake. But this leads me to think of things that people do to people that are in relationships with famous people. These people are instantly hated, cause they have what the rest of the world wishes they could have! Look at when said guitarist and a lady from another band were dating/more then friends. This girl, even though she was famous as well, was hated on! She is a lovely girl, that I have met, and deserves non of this! Shes just lucky enough to be in  a position to meet said guitarist! I have met this guitarist, and he is a great guy, ANy girl that does end up wtih him, is a lucky lucky lady! I would love a chance to be that girl, but alas, I am a happily married lady, and until I kidnap him and change my life completely, I am happy with just being able to enjoy the music. 
The music is the most important part in all of this. These people write these amazing songs, that are so relate able, that you sometimes cant help but feel like this band knows you, understands you, and wants to be your best friend.  The reason it seems this way, is cause they are just normal people, that go through the same things that other 21 years old have gone through! They werent always famous, might not always be, but to us ATL fans, they will always have a place in our hearts.
I know this is all one big blur, one big ramble on. I don't put my thoughts into words very well, especially if I have to say it out loud. But thats why I LOVE this site. I can just ramble on and on, and it doesn't matter if you understand or not, cause I ALWAYS feel better for getting stuff off of my chest. I will have another blog in the next few days about the move and Christmas, since I have been slacking, maybe some story excerpts as well! Enjoy!!

p.s. I hold no ill feelings towards anyone, I just wish that people would respect others. 

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